How Long Does it Take to Become a Chef?

Becoming a chef is a dream for many aspiring cooks, but how long does it take to become one? Culinary and cooking school can range from a few months to four years, depending on the program you choose. Professional culinary training can last from two to four years, while cooking schools take one to four years. Although formal education is not necessary to become a chef, those who have earned their culinary degree can quickly gain positions with greater responsibilities. Going to a cooking school is a great option for many aspiring chefs, but it may not be accessible to everyone.

So, if you're thinking about becoming a chef but don't know where to start, we'll explain the educational requirements, whether or not you need an education at a cooking school and some possible career paths for chefs. It's best to start with a high-quality culinary education and then work to hone your skills and develop your knowledge over several years in professional kitchens. At school, you'll learn from a series of instructor chefs who can help you answer questions and provide advice.

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Eloise Marchiano
Eloise Marchiano

Friendly social media maven. Incurable zombie specialist. Infuriatingly humble twitteraholic. Amateur music evangelist. Infuriatingly humble zombie fan. Friendly web trailblazer.

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